random canvas shoes. we were supposed to be doing lit.

national library lift! (:

sleepover at weens. (:

mel was trying to laugh. haha.

sherwinteo i love you! (and the cookies!)

blading today! (:
woo! blading was fun! havent bladed since i fractured my wrist a year ago. talking to cher today i realised we have too many things in common already. haha except the fact that she speaks in falseto all the time and im not a bimbo. (: yay lets go blading again soon! (: i officially conquered GP essay. yay! (:
there's a huge mozzie flying around my room biting me. go away you! rahhh.
-everything to me, more than a story-
sleepover at ween's was fun! (: too much to say a bit lazy. ween (fottt), i want photos! (:
college day. nothing much. met up with cg people to go down to suntec for arrow! (: and omt. i learnt a lesson. the random words of the child of Daddy avail so much. i was talking to jomaine on the bus, saying it would be quite interesting to sit on a bus that went the wrong route. and guess what. in less than like 5min of saying that, the bus 36, instead of turning into suntec tower4, went straight into the highway! arhhhh! and we were all kancheong spiders cos we were already late for service.
arrow service was awesome! (: and i bought my mad tee! (: yay! so exciting! haha.
right. it's 12midnight. i promised myself to sleep before 12 today. woo. (:
-because you love me-
-i am not an airhead.
-drinking coke decreases your stamina
-i love sweet mangoes
-craving for spicy beef fries from carls jr
-big girls dont cry.
-im not a big girl.
-it's a half day tml
-i can make yusof ishak smile on the dollar bill (:
-i can make him frown ):
-i'd love a chocolate anytime
-i want to go to the beach
-i miss rooming with bimsoh
-i still do miss pattaya so much.
maybe it's not so random afterall.
-there is no fear in love; His love-

four of us to go pick the bride! (: i love this photo (:

while waiting for the bride to get ready


classic wedding photo

at bishan park. we were obviously entertaining ourselves. just look at tivona. lol.

nigel's just so cute (:

tea ceremony

camwhoring in the car

caleb. doesnt he look like me? (:

conclusion of the day. this is ivana. and she is such a vain pot. she totally deleted so many nice photos off my camera cos she claimed she looked bad in the photos. nyehh nyehh. i roll my eyes at you. haha.
yay i finally got my "destined to reign" book today! thank you christine darling for collecting and wrapping my book up for me! i love you babe! yay im so looking forward to read the book. (: im so glad i went for service today. it's so awesomely refreshing. (: i just cannot describe how im feeling now. lost for words (:
lalala. it's going to be the start of a new week and for some weird reason, im looking forward to it. (:
-what would i be without you in my life?-

love pattaya beach (:

for some reason, we look like we're in heaven. haha.

yay pretty costumes (:
tml would be one exciting day. uncle's wedding ceremony and dinner! waking up uber early to go fetch the bride! (: so exciting. i hope we do get to take many many photos tml! (:
yawn. i love chocolates (: it never fails to make me happy! (: currently craving for ice cream! (: woo im sleepy. and it's days like this that i wonder why i simply love being a girl.
it takes people who are secure to be humble.
-standing on favoured ground-
congratulate me on surviving school today! im so proud of myself. oh oh and i didnt get any grade U for my midyears! praise Jesus! He's awesome can. i told Him i didnt want any 'U's for myes. tadahh!! He's just so faithful i cannot help but love Him more. and and most imptantly i passed my econs!!! now at least my 'best friend' would quit picking on me during econs tutorials. (: although my results are not fantastic, and i actually failed GP, i know my Father is faithful. see, maintaining good results would be far more difficult than improving. so for me, there's lots of improvement that can be done. with my big Daddy, what is too difficult? (: im not affected by the results, cos they dont determine my future. my future is well and blessed cos He said so. like i always say, whatever i do in the future, so long as He is with me, it's 'confirm chop stamp' blessed. (:
im suffering from serious post-pattaya sickness! i miss that place to bits!! i was half wishing the plane would suffer from mental disorder or something then it wouldnt fly back to singapore. but i really did enjoy myself so much there. it was like a lalaland dream. and the people who totally made the trip so fun, namely may rhoda bimsoh ween mel yizha oliver kenny shixuan and enoch. all the 'tsunami', the cupnoodle party, camwhoring and such. thanks peeps, you guys made pattaya trip one i'll never forget. (: i went to school today feeling a bit lost and out of place. i lost quite a bit of appetite after i came back from pattaya. im not trying to lose weight or what, just didnt very much feel like eating. bleaugh. i need my beauty sleep.
anyway tml's some dinner to celebrate my uncle getting married i think, dad didnt really explain to me what it was all about. my uncle's wedding would be the second wedding i ever attended in my life! the first was when dad's friend got married about 10 years ago i think? haha so im kinda looking forward to it. (: i once told mom that i wished all my older cousins would hurry up get attatched and married cos i want to attend a wedding! (:
alrighty lighty mighty poetry! haha total randomness. tata! (:
i LOVE post-exams!!! shopping shopping and more shopping. what can a girl do without shopping? alot actually. hmm im totally contradicting myself. whatever.
im feeling lazy. dont want school tml. barh.
yay! -jumps around-
im high and feeling restless (: